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  • ESG and sustainability reporting: Criteria
  • ESG and sustainability reporting: 2023 UK
  • ESG and sustainability reporting: Advantages
  • The Sustainability Manager has been tasked to report regularly on the ESG criteria within the business. From publishing a carbon or sustainability report, seeking lower greenhouse gas emission and C02 footprint, to operating an ethical supply chains and avoiding overseas labour or empty child labour. The criteria ia vast.
  • IBM Envizi
  • Companies are required to report on energy use and Scope 1and 2 emissions within the UK. Starting in 2023, ESG reporting in the UKwill be further formalised through the Sustainability DisclosureRequirements.
  • IBM Envizi
  • Consumers are willing to spend extra money to buy from businesses that promote sustainable products. Attracts investors and lenders - Investors and lenders are becoming highly attracted to organisations that invest in ESG.Improves financial performance - ESG not only makes a business favourable to lenders, but it can also improve the overall financial performance of a business
  • IBM Envizi Demo
  • Envizi’s ESG Reporting solutions integrate a suite of software modules that allow you to easily meet your ESG reporting commitments.
  • Capture and manage all your data in a single system of record and report with confidence knowing that the data is auditable, and finance-grade – all made possible by a powerful engine that automates data capture and tracks performance over time.
  • https://www.ibm.com/account/reg/us-en/signup?formid=urx-51672_ga=2.115008263.1647760455.1664792245-1820550017.1664792245
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