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إنشاء القصة المصورة الخاصة بك

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نص القصة المصورة

  • hey there I do business so I will tell you about business
  • wow thanks fortelling me
  • hey what is income ???
  • sure income is money that comes in that you can spend 
  • an example of irregular income would be a bonusand an example of fixed or regular income would be a salary
  • Expenditure is money that you spend on different things there are three types fixed, irregular and discretionary
  • Hi do you know what expenditure is
  • fixed expenditure is the same you pay every week or month like your rent
  • irregular expenditure is a different amount every week or month like your shop for the week
  • and last but not least is discretionary expenditure witch is something expensive that you want like a holiday
  • what is considered a consumer ?
  • well you are not considered a consumer if you buy the goods to sell and if you receive the goods as a gift
  • wait what even is a consumer ?
  • a consumer is anyone who has ever bought a good or a service
  • so what is the difference between a good and a service
  • Goods are items that are usually tangible. Services are activities provided by other people,
  • how many consumer laws are there
  • there are three one made in 2014,2007 and 1980
  • consumer protection act 2007
  • competition and consumer protection act 2014
  • the first consumer law is sale of goods and supply of services act 1980
  • well you should know your rights and responsibilities, shop around and compare quality and prices, be informed to avoid buying on impulse
  • what are three ways a consumer can be a good consumer
  • ccpc stands for competition and consumer protection commission
  • what does ccpc stand for
  • what are consumer rights when shopping online
  • the consumer will have a 14 day period witch starts from the day you order it till the day you get it and in between that period you can cancel the order and the seller must give the consumer a full refund
  • work hard
  • sale of goods and supply of services act 1980
  • goods should be of merchantable quality. they should of resonable quality
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