إنشاء القصة المصورة
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القصة المصورة
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القصة المصورة
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نص القصة المصورة
My summer
oooh nice warm fire
I know right.
On the river
This is the river that i went tubing on.
My Ideal Summer
If it were up to me I would have gone wake boarding
My neighbor invited me, my mom, and dad, to come with them and other people on the block to their friend's property and be there for, four days
Japanese summer
During the summer I would have been amazing to go to japan.
A day after I had got to the property we packed up the canoes and tubes and went tubing on the river.
Million dollar Summer
During the summer I wanted to go wakeboarding but sadly it rained when we were gonna go.
If i had unlimited money I would go to so many places
If i had unlimited money I would go to so many places
I want to go to japan and if it was up to me I would go to japan for at least a week
My Mom and dad well my mom more but they said they've wanted a farmhouse a while now
I would buy this farm house for my parents
If i had unlimited money over the summer i would travel to so many places that i wouldn't be able to go to today
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