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Unknown Story

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Unknown Story
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نص القصة المصورة

  • Life for African Americans in the Colonies
  • It is really unfair that we have to raise these crops all day long. Im not going to work anymore.
  • I agree. We are going to rebell against them and not work.
  • Life for African Americans in the Colonies
  • Why would you do this to me!
  • We are going to be tradig you for money and resources. You will come with us right now.
  • Life for African Americans in the Colonies
  • No they just took away my best friend! They are going to force me to work even more.
  • These slaves are from the Southern Colonies, where they have to raise cash crops all day long. They are deciding to refuse to work because they are stuck here.
  • Government in the Colonies
  • I think that we are English citizens, so we expect the same rights as these fellow citizens.
  • Certainly. Thats why we have invited these gentlemen to help us govern our new colony.
  • Slaves could not control what happened and they would get traded for many different things at this time.
  • Government in the Colonies
  • It is time to begin the Parliament. We will create laws and taxes to be approved
  • African Americans like this person had to go through hardships like this. He is also going to be forced to work after they send off his friend.
  • Government in the Colonies
  • Our lives have became so much better because of these rules in place. I believe that our government is excellent.
  • Colonists viewed themselves as English citizens so they strengthened and improved the rights of citizens a lot during this time period.
  • Rights of the Colonists were improved throughout the years after events took place and were established like the Magna Carta, Parliament, and English Bill of Rights.
  • That is a great idea. I also have had some other things in mind after the Magna Carta was established.
  • The Colonists expanding on the rights of English Citizens was a good thing because they treated them fairly like in this frame.
  • Me too, I am glad to have settled here where we have many laws in place that can improve our new lives!
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