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romeo and juliet

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romeo and juliet
Storyboard That

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نص القصة المصورة

  • no sir, i do not bite my thumb at you sir
  • do you bite your thumb at us?
  • continue to fight and your blood will be shed for the peace of this town
  • oh Romeo oh Romeo why must you be a montague
  • sampson bites his thumb at abraham as a sign ofdisrespect and they fight .
  • the prince comes out and threaten to torture them ifthey continute to fight.
  • stop you musnt past.
  • how will i deliver this infomation to romeo?
  • juliet vents about loving romeo to the starsandconsiders getting married to romeo
  • juliet fakes her dead after getting married to romeo sothe next day she doesnt have to marry paris
  • unfortunately romeo was unable to receive this informationof the plan and when he sees juliet he kills himself.
  • juliet wakes up defistated and kills herself so she couldjoin romeo to the after life
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