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Storyboard Assignment

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Storyboard Assignment
Storyboard That

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نص القصة المصورة

  • And you saw everything, Mr. Ryan?
  • Yes, sir. After they trashed my truck, I chased all three of 'em until they split up. Then I followed that one.
  • He can't hide behind the Youth Criminal Justice Act forever. How old are you, Kennedy?
  • You know better than that, Peterson.
  • Sounds like some kinda cereal. Subaru Shreddies"
  • Jeez, man, That Subaru was shredded.
  • You even looked at the news stories they been writin' about this? Have you even thought about that girl and whats happening to her?
  • Reef is put on trial. Ryan is brought as witness. (36)
  • Reporter confronts Elliot and Reef (41)
  • Cops picked him up last night for disturbin' the peace. Fightin' at Rowdy's
  • What happened?
  • There's always fight's at Rowdy's
  • Court Recess. Bigger and Jink joke about the car and the accident (45)
  • I believe that you need to experience the results of such actions first hand so you will fully understand the ramifications and, hopefully, learn to make better choices in the future. I am assigning you to the North Hills Group Home, where you will live for the next 12 months under Frank Colville.
  • Karl Baker lectures Reef (60)
  • They meet up before the sentencing and speak about Jink and his fight at Rowdy's (73)
  • Reef's Sentencing to the North Hills Group home and rehabilitation volunteer (78)
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