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Battle of Quebec

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Battle of Quebec
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نص القصة المصورة

  • Cites: History.com editors. “Battle of Quebec (1775).” History.com, A&E Television Networks, 21 Aug. 2018, www.history.com/topics/american-revolution/ battle-of-quebec-1775.
  • We, the Continental Congress, hereby authorize these two expeditions to capture the city of Quebec
  • November 13, 1775, General Montgomery and his forces captured Montreal. (colorized)
  • My face, my beautiful face...
  • Colonel Benedict Arnold requested the town of Quebec to surrender, but was denied.
  • Give up now!!
  • No u.
  • Deciding he lacked supplies, Arnold was forced to wait for Montgomery to fight.
  • Troops, I'm afraid we can't fight until General Montgomery shows up to help aid us in the battle.
  • But I want to kill someone nowww!
  • Early in the morning on December 31, 1775, troops entered into Quebec with the cover of snowfall, but the British were expecting them...
  • The attack failed, miserably. Of the 1200 Americans who fought, 400, including General Montgomery, died, making this the first of many major American losses in the Revolutionary War.
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