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black death 2.0

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black death 2.0
Storyboard That

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نص القصة المصورة

  • how did I get here? Must be those silly kids playing pranks again, CHILDREN! Where am I get me out of here!
  • I've got to figure out how to get out of here, this feels real I don't think its a prank this time. I need to get home my family needs me.
  • I have no idea where I am, I think i'm close to home though because I always remember seeing a forest outlining the village so I must be close, well at least I hope I am.
  • What happened my children and my husband are dead? what year is it, what is going on please tell me.
  • Ma'am the town has been infected with a deadly plague, a lot of men have died and we are going to need you to start doing your husbands jobs at your farm.
  • But my family, they're dead how am I supposed to do all of this alone? where do I even start, this is terrible I can't believe this.
  • I understand this must be difficult but we need someone to do the work and a lot of the men died so it would be greatly appreciated if you do your husbands jobs, with all of the death we've experienced women are needed more than ever
  • I guess this is a nice change of pace, it's very different from what i'm used to though. It's kind of cool, it's going to be difficult to get used to but I think I can do it! I sure do miss my family though. I guess it's good i also have more right now, iv'e always been treated unequal compared to men and now that is changing.
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