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Conflict Exercise

قم بإنشاء Storyboard
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Conflict Exercise
Storyboard That

إنشاء القصة المصورة الخاصة بك

جربه مجانا!

إنشاء القصة المصورة الخاصة بك

جربه مجانا!

نص القصة المصورة

  • One Week Later...
  • Scene 06:
  • Scene 07:
  • Scene 08:
  • Sarah: It hasn't just been this week, but all last week too! I just think he should be demoted if he keeps acting like this. Coworker: I guess we will wait and see.(Jim overhears this conversation and is angered.)
  • Scene 09:
  • One Week Later...
  • Scene 10:
  • Jim: If you have problems with me then I’d appreciate it if you addressed them with me rather than babbling to the entire company like you always do.Sarah: Maybe if you spent more time focusing on your deliveries instead of how your wife left you, I wouldn't have to “babble” to everyone!Jim: Learn to shut your mouth Sarah!
  • Three Weeks Later...
  • Sam: What's going on here!Jim and Sarah: *Silence*Sam: I wanna speak to both of you in my office now.
  • Scene 11:
  • Sam: I understand that the two of you haven’t been getting along and we attempted a solution, but clearly this didn’t work and it’s affecting the rest of the company. Sarah you were out of line; you know that Jim has been struggling, and there was no need for you to add to it. Jim, I asked you to step up and clearly that has been impossible for you as of right now. That being said, I don’t want to penalize you for personal troubles but I can’t let this continue on as it isn’t fair to Sarah. To try and solve this issue, Jim is going to get one week paid leave so he can figure out his personal problems and not worry about finances. This should also alleviate some of the stress on you Sarah.
  • Customer: Hi! Is this customer service?Sarah: Yes, Sarah speaking.Customer: I was wondering when my package is going to be dropped off, it said it should’ve been here already.Sarah: What was the address for the delivery?Customer: 456 Frontenac StreetSarah: That will be there by the end of the day. I'm sorry about the wait. Sarah to herself: Wow, Jim would have had that there already.
  • Sarah: Morning Jim. Jim: Morning Sarah.Sarah: How are you doing? We’ve missed you around here.Jim: Much better thanks. Really?Sarah: Yeah, deliveries were so slow without you on the job.Jim: Thanks Sarah!
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