In this scene, Athena shows Odysseus the palace of King Alcinous and Queen Arete. Odysseus is welcomed in and is given food and treated as an honored guest.
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Odysseus is given food and told the story about his journey and how Nausicaa helped him. He asks the king and queen help him return home.
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The next day, King Alcinous ordered a ship to be made for Odysseus so he can return to Ithaca. He also hosted a large banquet in honor of Odysseus for the Phaeacians
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In this scene, Demodocus the blind poet sang two songs about Odysseus. One was about Odysseus and his fight with Achilles, during the Trojan war. The second one was about Odysessus missing after the Trojan war and no one knowing where he was or what happened to him.
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I am Odysseus
Odysseus now tells King Alcinous his name and begins the story of his adventures since leaving Troy and all the obstacles he overcame. "First I will tell you my name. Now I will tell you of the many dangerous adventures I had on my return from Troy."
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After Odysseus left Troy he went with his men sailed twelve ships to Ismarus. He sacked the city and was driven by storms to the land of Lotus-eaters. Then sailed to the land of Cyclops and was trapped by a cave monster named Polyphemus. Only a few escaped others were killed or eaten by the Cyclops.