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  • NOOOOOOOO! Hes dead
  • Im dead
  • helpppppppi didn't like him anyways
  • You might want to see this
  • let the U.S know
  • The young Bosnians a secret revolutionary was planning to assassinate Ferdinand. They got suicide capsules pistoles rifles and hand bombs. They had received several warnings to cancel their trip.  he did not listen he took multiple risks and then while in a motorcade a bomb was thrown and then boom!
  • On May 7th, 1915 a german u-boat bombed the Lusitania a British ship. This killed thousands of people and caused the U.S to no longer be neutral in WW1. This was a part of submarine warfare.
  • On January 16 191y British codebreakers intercepted an encrypted message. This was from Germany to Mexico about invading the U.S for a return of financial help. this caused more problems in WW1
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