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Holy Week

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Holy Week
Storyboard That

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نص القصة المصورة

  • On Palm Sunday Jesus and his disciples began their trip to Jerusalem. There Jesus was greeted with the people of Jerusalem waving palm branches.
  • Rejoice greatly, O Daughter of Zion!
  • On Monday Jesus had arrived at the temple and had found corrupt money changers. That day Jesus had stayed with Mary, Martha and Lazarus
  • My temple will be a house of prayer; but you turned it into a den of theives
  • On Tuesday Jesus and his disciples went to Mount Olivet. Jesus had given a prophecy to the Olivet Discource about the destruction. This Tuesday, Judas made a negotiation with the Sanhedrin
  • On Holy Wednesday Jesus and his disciples spent the day in Bethany resting. That day Jesus had revealed his powers over death to the world. A couple nights before Lazarus' sister Mary had anointed Jesus' feet with perfume.
  • Maundy Thursday was also the day of the Last Supper. During the Last Supper Jesus performed a humble act of washing his disciples feet freeing them from sin and death. Later that night Jesus had been arrested and taken to the home of Caiaphas.
  • Good Friday was the hardest day of Holy Week. On this day Jesus had been nailed to the cross and soldiers had peirced him with a thorn crown. Jesus had breathed his last breath amd died.
  • Father, into your hands I commit my spirit
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