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Comic strip for Math and Science week

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Comic strip for Math and Science week
Storyboard That

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جربه مجانا!

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جربه مجانا!

نص القصة المصورة

  • Hello! Everyone. I am Mikyla and this week we will be celebrating Math and Science week with the theme: "DLS ASMC MATH, SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY: A GIFT TO GIVE FOR A BETTER NORMAL"
  • Hey, Mikyla aren't you joining the Math quiz bee in a while?
  • Hi, John. Yes I am and I believe you will be competing for the Science Quiz Bee. Am I right?.
  • Yeah, but I'm quite nervous and scared because it's not that I'm good in Science and I'm not so sure of the review I did last night.
  • Oh! John. You don't have to worry a thing or two, just try your very best and I also believe that you can do it and come on, it's alright to get wrong answers because with that you'll learn and and also have fun. Fighting!
  • This is it. There is no turning back. I can do this. Mikyla you're the
  • Good day contestants! Are you ready for the Quiz Bee?
  • hmmm. This must be part of how the technology has improved nowadays.
  • Let's do this!. Win or lose as long as we did all our best and have fun.
  • Of course Mikyla, big thanks to your encouragement and comfort. I owe you big time.
  • John, how was it? did you have fun and at the same time learned something?
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