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Carbon Cycle

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Carbon Cycle
Storyboard That

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نص القصة المصورة

  • In the atmosphere carbon is in the form of carbon dioxide gas.It is removed from the atmosphere by a process called photosynthesis.
  • I take in the carbon dioxide that humans and animals breathe out, and I turn it in to oxygen for animals and humans
  • Atmosphere to plants
  • Plants to animals
  • Carbon moves through plants to animals by the food chain
  • I have carbon in me when animals eat me some transfers to them
  • I just exhaled carbon dioxide!
  • Animals release carbon dioxide into the atmosphere by exhaling.
  • Animals to Atmosphere
  • Carbon moves from plants to the ground
  • Carbon get's trapped under the ground with me!
  • Carbon also moves through animals just like me! When we die sometimes carbon gets trapped under the ground millions of years later it turn into fossil fuels.
  • Plants and Animals to Atmosphere
  • Ground to Atmosphere.
  • I burn fossil fuels, it keeps me going!
  • The carbon enters into me as carbon dioxide gas.
  • Atmosphere to Oceans, How Humans Impact the Carbon Cycle
  • Me the ocean and my other bodies of water friends, soak up carbon from the atmosphere.
  • Us humans impact the carbon cycle by vehicles and just breathing out carbon dioxide.
  • I have lots of carbon in me, from vehicles, electricity plants and more.
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