Miss Adela Strangeworth
Appearances can be deceiving and outward appearances do not always reflect someone's inner personality.
Miss Strangeworth is a 71 year old resident in a town she lived in her entire life, polite and proud of her beautiful rose bushes she doesn't hesitate to show off to tourists.
“My grandfather built the first house on Pleasant Street, My family has lived here for better than a hundred years. Grandmother planted these roses, and my mother tended them, just as I do.”…
, Miss Strangeworth had to stopevery minute or so
to say good morning tosomeone
or to ask after someone’s health.
You never know about doctors. Remember they’re only human and need money like the rest of us. Suppose the knife slipped accidentally. Would Doctor Burns get his fee and a litt
She had been writing her letters –sometimes two or three a day, sometimes no more than one in a month – for the past year. She never got any answers, of course, because she never signed her name…. The town where she lived had to be kept clean and sweet, but people everywhere were lustful and evil and degraded, and needed to be watched.
The world was so large, and there was only one Strangeworth left in it.
Look out at what used to be your roses.
Miss Adela Strangeworth
Appearances can be deceiving and outward appearances do not always reflect someone's inner personality.
Miss Strangeworth is a 71 year old resident in a town she lived in her entire life, polite and proud of her beautiful rose bushes she doesn't hesitate to show off to tourists.
“My grandfather built the first house on Pleasant Street, My family has lived here for better than a hundred years. Grandmother planted these roses, and my mother tended them, just as I do.”…
, Miss Strangeworth had to stopevery minute or so
to say good morning tosomeone
or to ask after someone’s health.
You never know about doctors. Remember they’re only human and need money like the rest of us. Suppose the knife slipped accidentally. Would Doctor Burns get his fee and a litt
She had been writing her letters –sometimes two or three a day, sometimes no more than one in a month – for the past year. She never got any answers, of course, because she never signed her name…. The town where she lived had to be kept clean and sweet, but people everywhere were lustful and evil and degraded, and needed to be watched.
The world was so large, and there was only one Strangeworth left in it.
Look out at what used to be your roses.
Miss Adela Strangeworth
Appearances can be deceiving and outward appearances do not always reflect someone's inner personality.
Miss Strangeworth is a 71 year old resident in a town she lived in her entire life, polite and proud of her beautiful rose bushes she doesn't hesitate to show off to tourists.
“My grandfather built the first house on Pleasant Street, My family has lived here for better than a hundred years. Grandmother planted these roses, and my mother tended them, just as I do.”…
, Miss Strangeworth had to stopevery minute or so
to say good morning tosomeone
or to ask after someone’s health.
You never know about doctors. Remember they’re only human and need money like the rest of us. Suppose the knife slipped accidentally. Would Doctor Burns get his fee and a litt
She had been writing her letters –sometimes two or three a day, sometimes no more than one in a month – for the past year. She never got any answers, of course, because she never signed her name…. The town where she lived had to be kept clean and sweet, but people everywhere were lustful and evil and degraded, and needed to be watched.
The world was so large, and there was only one Strangeworth left in it.
Look out at what used to be your roses.
Miss Adela Strangeworth
Appearances can be deceiving and outward appearances do not always reflect someone's inner personality.
Miss Strangeworth is a 71 year old resident in a town she lived in her entire life, polite and proud of her beautiful rose bushes she doesn't hesitate to show off to tourists.
“My grandfather built the first house on Pleasant Street, My family has lived here for better than a hundred years. Grandmother planted these roses, and my mother tended them, just as I do.”…
, Miss Strangeworth had to stopevery minute or so
to say good morning tosomeone
or to ask after someone’s health.
You never know about doctors. Remember they’re only human and need money like the rest of us. Suppose the knife slipped accidentally. Would Doctor Burns get his fee and a litt
She had been writing her letters –sometimes two or three a day, sometimes no more than one in a month – for the past year. She never got any answers, of course, because she never signed her name…. The town where she lived had to be kept clean and sweet, but people everywhere were lustful and evil and degraded, and needed to be watched.
The world was so large, and there was only one Strangeworth left in it.
Look out at what used to be your roses.
Miss Adela Strangeworth
Appearances can be deceiving and outward appearances do not always reflect someone's inner personality.
Miss Strangeworth is a 71 year old resident in a town she lived in her entire life, polite and proud of her beautiful rose bushes she doesn't hesitate to show off to tourists.
“My grandfather built the first house on Pleasant Street, My family has lived here for better than a hundred years. Grandmother planted these roses, and my mother tended them, just as I do.”…
, Miss Strangeworth had to stopevery minute or so
to say good morning tosomeone
or to ask after someone’s health.
You never know about doctors. Remember they’re only human and need money like the rest of us. Suppose the knife slipped accidentally. Would Doctor Burns get his fee and a litt
She had been writing her letters –sometimes two or three a day, sometimes no more than one in a month – for the past year. She never got any answers, of course, because she never signed her name…. The town where she lived had to be kept clean and sweet, but people everywhere were lustful and evil and degraded, and needed to be watched.
The world was so large, and there was only one Strangeworth left in it.
Look out at what used to be your roses.
Miss Adela Strangeworth
Appearances can be deceiving and outward appearances do not always reflect someone's inner personality.
Miss Strangeworth is a 71 year old resident in a town she lived in her entire life, polite and proud of her beautiful rose bushes she doesn't hesitate to show off to tourists.
“My grandfather built the first house on Pleasant Street, My family has lived here for better than a hundred years. Grandmother planted these roses, and my mother tended them, just as I do.”…
, Miss Strangeworth had to stopevery minute or so
to say good morning tosomeone
or to ask after someone’s health.
You never know about doctors. Remember they’re only human and need money like the rest of us. Suppose the knife slipped accidentally. Would Doctor Burns get his fee and a litt
She had been writing her letters –sometimes two or three a day, sometimes no more than one in a month – for the past year. She never got any answers, of course, because she never signed her name…. The town where she lived had to be kept clean and sweet, but people everywhere were lustful and evil and degraded, and needed to be watched.
The world was so large, and there was only one Strangeworth left in it.
Look out at what used to be your roses.
Miss Adela Strangeworth
Appearances can be deceiving and outward appearances do not always reflect someone's inner personality.
Miss Strangeworth is a 71 year old resident in a town she lived in her entire life, polite and proud of her beautiful rose bushes she doesn't hesitate to show off to tourists.
“My grandfather built the first house on Pleasant Street, My family has lived here for better than a hundred years. Grandmother planted these roses, and my mother tended them, just as I do.”…
, Miss Strangeworth had to stopevery minute or so
to say good morning tosomeone
or to ask after someone’s health.
You never know about doctors. Remember they’re only human and need money like the rest of us. Suppose the knife slipped accidentally. Would Doctor Burns get his fee and a litt
She had been writing her letters –sometimes two or three a day, sometimes no more than one in a month – for the past year. She never got any answers, of course, because she never signed her name…. The town where she lived had to be kept clean and sweet, but people everywhere were lustful and evil and degraded, and needed to be watched.
The world was so large, and there was only one Strangeworth left in it.
Look out at what used to be your roses.