Nonsense! I possess the inherent prerogative to issue proclamations and establish law as I see fit. It is within my sovereign authority!
Your Majesty, we beseech you to consider the implications of ruling without the consent of Parliament. It is a violation of our ancient rights and liberties.
الانزلاق: 2
After careful consideration, it is the opinion of this court that the King does indeed possess the authority to issue proclamations as part of his prerogative powers.
This verdict undermines the very essence of parliamentary representation and the rule of law!
Our struggle for the rights of the people has been thwarted by the King's absolute power.
(bruh the implications of the court's ruling)
الانزلاق: 3
As the scene concludes, the tension between the monarchy and Parliament is palpable, setting the stage for future conflicts and struggles for political authority.This comic scene portrays the contentious debate surrounding the Case of Proclamations in 1610 and the clash between the King's assertion of royal prerogative and Parliament's insistence on its role in lawmaking.