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The temple is cool

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The temple is cool
Storyboard That

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جربه مجانا!

إنشاء القصة المصورة الخاصة بك

جربه مجانا!

نص القصة المصورة

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  • Long ago there was a guard named Vinayak that guards a temple in Japan, people in the village believed that the temple is haunted. Every 2 days people sacrificed there belongings. If you didn't sacrifice good food, grains, animals and meat, they would die.
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  • Everyone in the village was following the rules and sacrificing, apart from one person, the richest person in the village. He was never following the rules of the village temple
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  • One night the rich man decided to go sacrifice some rotten meat so the village people stop bugging him. When he gets inside he is greeted by no one and so he walks up the highest level of the temple, once he gets to the top he is greeted by a ghost, then the rich man freaks out and try's to run away but the ghost closes all the doors before he gets out.
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  • When the ghost caches the rich man he pushes the rich man down into the lake of greed, full of snakes and one snail. Then the man dies from poison and snail goo
  • Now everyone at the village has learnt from the rich mans greed, to not be greedy and give to others so you don't die.
  • Vinayak never revealed that he was a ghost and still to this day nobody knows about Vinayak in his ghost form.
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