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إنشاء القصة المصورة الخاصة بك

جربه مجانا!

نص القصة المصورة

  • الانزلاق: 3
  • I choose humans because they are worthy of taking care of my creation
  • الانزلاق: 4
  • God represented environmental stewardship by wisely making the Earth so that it can be sustained. When He made the Earth, He made plants because God knew that it would be a cycle and that they would all need each other. Plants give us oxygen so we have to sustain them to live.
  • الانزلاق: 5
  • God showed us environmental stewardship by making the Sun. The Sun helps plants and animals thrive. Also, the Sun gives us the opportunity to convert it's rays into energy which benefits the environment because this is a sustainable source of energy. and does not harm the environment
  • Adam and Eve, you will have dominion over all of the living creatures, sustain it for others
  • Yes Father, we will sustain this land for future generations
  • Yes Father
  • In the creation story God tells Adam and Eve that they have dominion over the sea, birds and every living creature. This is environmental stewardship because dominion means "to take responsibility". So, God gave Adam and Eve the responsibility over everything so that they could take care (sustain) of it.
  • الانزلاق: 6
  • The Lord shows us human dignity everyday. Even from the beginning, He chose humans when he could have chose land or sea animals.
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