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Doc Comic Continuation

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Doc Comic Continuation
Storyboard That

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نص القصة المصورة

  • What was that I think I hear people.
  • Oh no who would leave a dog outside at night in the cold. Come on lets take you somewhere warm and comfortable to sleep
  • Well anything beats being out here cold why not.
  • I'll name you Dextar let's go to your new home.
  • Well it's not the worst name and free place to sleep.
  • Hmmm looks nice guess it wasn't that bad to trust him
  • Well Dextar welcome to your new home hope you'll be happy here.
  • Well I can see you love the bed. WHile you rest I'll make food for you.
  • Well living here might not be so bad. Hopefully the food is as goood as the bed.
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