in the beginning, there was heaven no eath no space but a sea in the sea there was a giant cobra floating in the waters inside was Lord Vishnu, sleeping soundly
animals were made and evolved
A humming started and made the darkness go away, and then Lord Vishnu woke up and blooms a lotus flower out of his belly button, inside was brahman. he told brahman to go and create a world
there where 3 of them
brahman got to work by tossing lotus petals into the air and making the sky, mountains, rocks and everything in between
the distroyer
brahman made the animals evolve and adapt to the lands
in Hindu the god is represented as 3 people one is the builder, one is the protector, and one is the one that just want to watch the world go up in flames
lord shiva is the last god and the god that wants to destroy the universes that the gods bilt and watch it burn in flams.