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نص القصة المصورة

  • Good morning class, today we will be having our group reporting about "Philippine Administrative system, components and source of power" were you are about to discuss the summary of our lesson this week. You may now start!
  • Good morning, our group will be discussing what is Philippine Administrative system.
  • We have the United Kingdom as an example of a constitution that are uncodified. We also do have the constitution of India which has the longest written constitution and the shortest was the constitution of Monaco.
  • PAS refers to a network of organizations with specific rules and goals, structures, resources and programs. It includes the internal processes of and the interaction between and among public organizations, which are constituted to implement, help formulate, monitor or assess public policies.
  • The third components of PAS is Implementing Public Policies there is a great importance in involving the stake holder throughout the consultation, capacity building and developing competencies. The Fourth components of PAS is Individuals, Groups, Organizations, Communities as its Public/Clientele, An organization should continuously learn what the public wants and understand their values through building excellent relationship with them. Last but not the least component is the Greater Socio-Politico and Economic Environment it consists of interests and pressure groups with competing claims to limited resources.
  • For the next group we have to discuss the components of Public Administrative SystemThe Philippine Administrative System (PAS) is composed of five components first is Public Organization is considered the building block of the Philippine Administrative System(PAS) which was usually created by the law -defining their purpose, major functions, core structures, resources, and programs. On the other hand, the second component of PAS is the Internal Process and Interactive Efforts this component defines on how public organization perform public functions thru defined rule sand procedures.
  • The Philippine Constitution
  • GROUP 2
  • Next we have the CLASSIFICATIONSWritten Constitution. it is one in which most of its provisions are embodied in a single formal written instrument or instruments. Example is the United States Constitution.Unwritten constitution. it is the one in which is entirely the product of political evolution and the example is The English Constitution.
  • Rigid. it is the one that can be amended only by a formal and usually difficult process. Example: Philippines and United States.Flexible. this is the one that can be altered by the same body that makes ordinary laws of the state. Example: Great Britain, Hungary, Italy, and Spain.
  • Culminative/Evolved. it is when its origin mainly in custom, common law principles; decisions of courts.Conventional/Enacted. It is struck- off at a definite time and place.
  • Next one we have the Essential Qualities of a Good Written Constitution.Broad. the sense that it outlines an organization of the government.Brief. it is important objects are designated.Definite. any vagueness resulting from the opposing interpretation of the Constitutional Provisions may cause harm and chaos.
  • Lastly for this topic, we have the Parts of the Philippine Constitution. Constitution of the Government. it describes the framework of government and its power.Constitution of Liberty. this parts enumerate the fundamental rights of the people guaranteed under the constitution.Constitution of sovereignty. it indicates the manner of amending or revising the constitution.
  • That would be all about The Philippine Constitution. Thank You!
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