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نص القصة المصورة

  • Ancient Greece's Government
  • I am voting for....
  • I think I'm going to vote for...
  • I 'm going to vote for...
  • Ancient Greece's Arts
  • Nice sculpture there.
  • Ancient Greece's Economics
  • We have came from far to trade with you.
  • Ancient Greece (Sparta) had an oligarchy where rich aristocrats were usually in charge. Ancient Greece also had a democracy where the citizen got to form their government (Athens).
  • Ancient Rome Art's
  • Pretty nice sculptures, wouldn't you say?
  • Ancient Greece made sculptures and paintings to honor the gods. They also tried to make make their art realistic.
  • Ancient Rome Government's
  • Let's overthrow the King!!
  • Ancient Greece used conquest to get what they needed. They would enslave others and take resources. They also used colonization and colonizen new areas with rich soil. One thing that Ancient Greece relied heavily on was trade to get what they needed.
  • Ancient Rome Economics
  • These bridges sure help make trade easier.
  • Ancient Rome built large structures like bridges and arches. Ancient Rome also made sculptures of there gods and heroes.
  • First, Ancient Rome had a monarchy where the king was in charge. They overthrew their king and became a republic were the citizens voted for their representatives. Later the monarchy was restored and king were in charge again.
  • Ancient Rome had roads and bridges to help with trading. They traded grain, wine, olive oil, and pottery.
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