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Environmental Science

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Environmental Science
Storyboard That

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إنشاء القصة المصورة الخاصة بك

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نص القصة المصورة

  • Soil is important to many life organisms including humans, lets take a look at why and how!
  • Soil provides the help needed to maintain a biodiverse ecosystem.
  • Soil makes plants grow, making food for us! that isn't is half of it.
  • Wow!
  • How do we as humans benefit from soil?
  • Do you know what threats there are to soil?
  • Yes I do actually! Soil is sadly being affected by carbon loss, acidification, and nutrient balance.
  • We're responsible for this too! Pollution humans create causes this soil to be contaminated sadly.
  • Plants, animals, and even us are affected by infected soil. This shouldn't be overlooked either, it is a very serious matter. Eventually, we will start getting sick, kids put their dirty hands in their mouth and will spread disease, this will then result in adults becoming sick.
  • What can we do to stop this?
  • Together we can work to reducing plastic, work on controlling pesticides use and maintaining clean areas. and we can treat industrial waste before release.
  • If we work together to save soil, we can save ourselves and keep ourselves healthy!!
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