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Newtons Laws of Motion

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Newtons Laws of Motion
Storyboard That

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نص القصة المصورة

  • An object at rest will stay at rest unless a force moves it. An object in motion will stay in motion unless a force stops it.This is also called ¨INERTIA¨ 
  • Newtons first law of motion
  • The book is at rest on the table unless an outside force knocks it off. 
  • When I knock the book off of the table it falls on the floor. The stopping force is the floor.
  • The movement (acceleration) of an object depends on 2 factors.FORCE & MASS This relationship can be expressed as a formula: F= M X A
  • Newtons Second law of motion
  • I need to push this box into the house. My force will depend on the mass of the box and my acceleration.
  • The mass of the box is 60kg. If I accelerate at 3000 newtons then the force I need will be 50 m/s².
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