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The Whisky Rebellion

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The Whisky Rebellion
Storyboard That

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نص القصة المصورة

  • The farmers in the west are revolting against Hamilton's whiskey tax and cutting us off at the hip. Do we make them pay or do we let them do as they please? Jefferson?
  • Who were we defending when we drafted the Bill of Rights? The rights of the people were something we wanted to ensure. they preserved their rights by enacting this tax? Sure.
  • That's not the matter at hand Jefferson.
  • Well, repealing the tax is the least we can do in light of all the suffering. However, Hamilton is obviously only concerned with the cha-ching! All you care about...
  • Enough Jefferson! Hamilton your thoughts?
  • Your title is "Secretary of State." The most devoted of all, but you don't feel compelled to support your own nation.
  • Washington accepted your first request to pass this tax.
  • Your brain must be damaged if you believe that the President won't use force to quell this uprising. Your head is full of wax if you believe he will repeal the tax.
  • Without Washington always at your back, this tax would be ablaze.
  • It is obvious that bringing in a militia to ensure there is no resistance is the only rational response to this uprising.
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