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نص القصة المصورة

  • Teacher when we mix sugar and water so that is a mixture.
  • PrIinciplle 1 :Prior knowledge is checked through the questioning.Critical thinking infused
  • What are mixtures? Could you please suggest different ways Mixture could be separated ?
  • um..mixtures is adding of things together
  • We discussed and we agreed that the sugar will disaaper in the tea as the tea is a liquid .
  • What happens when you pur sugar into the water ? im giving you a miniute to discuss in pairs
  • ALRIGHT My learmers the correct word to use is dissolve .The sugar dissolves in the tea which also means that it breaks down and becomes absorbed into the tea.I want you to look at the video and write down important things you see or hear . .
  • ALRIGHT My learmers the correct word to use is dissolve .The sugar dissolves in the tea which also means that it breaks down and becomes absorbed into the tea.I want you to do an inestigation where you wil be doing a filtration system.Take out your classwork book so ypu can write down the instruction of the investigation .
  • PRINCIPLE 2 - The video ensures that they are not overwhelmed with too much information as it is only 3 - min ute .
  • principle 2 is infused as the video ensures they are overwhelmed
  • You have finished watchich the video.Can you guys tell me what you or learnt from the video
  • - Video playing about separating mixtures- Video shows how to seprate sand and salt if they are mixed together - it explains several methods of separating mixtures and how they differ from one another .
  • We can use magnet for separation and other five ways.
  • mixture is a substance made by mixing other substances .
  • Class- activty 1. Explain what a mixture is ?2.Describe two methods of separating mixtures.3.Explain the different seprating techniques4. Differentiate between mixture and pure subtance
  • Evapoaration is also one of the techniqiues of seprating mixtures .
  • filtration is one of the methods ..
  • Example of mixtures include, sugar and water .
  • Cognitive engagement and critical thinking invoked .
  • Reflect on the lesson
  • i learnt about the different ways of separating mixtures.I also learnt about what filtration and evaporation .
  • Today i learnt how to choose the appropriate separation techniquies I also learnt more about filtration method.
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