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Storyboard That

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نص القصة المصورة

  • Lyra would play the lyre for the people in her small town. She also loved to hear her mother play.However, one day among the people there was a woman names jules. Jules had been from the opposing town of the one Lyra lived in. These towns were constantly fighting.
  • Jules had seen how important the lyre was to Lyra. And she wanted to destroy it. Jules waited until Lyra was away and broke her lyre.
  • Lyra had come back and realized her lyre had been broken and her and her daughter were distraught.
  • Lyra and her daughter set out to find jules and get back the strings to the lyre.
  • They found Jules with the strings. And they fought.They had 4 of the strings but Jules still had the last one.
  • Jules was severely hurt in the fight. Allowing Lyra and Emery to get back the last string. They returned home and fixed the lyre.
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