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SST MA 2.1

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SST MA 2.1
Storyboard That

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جربه مجانا!

إنشاء القصة المصورة الخاصة بك

جربه مجانا!

نص القصة المصورة

  • Hi! My name is Aarav, today I am going to show you how your food reaches you from the farm. So let's go!
  • The first step of farming is crop selection. It is a very important step as we have to produce the crops that are in demand, because its useless to produce something which people don't need. So, today I am selecting rice as the crop that I want to grow.
  • Next step is land preparation. It is important to ensure that the field is ready for planting. A prepared land controls weeds, recyles plant nutrients and provides soft land for agriculture.
  • The third step is seed sowing. Here we have planted the rice in parallel lines. This can be done by traditional method of manual labor or by modern methods using machines.
  • The next step is irrigation. We can do it by pipes, ditches, sprinklers etc. Here I am using a persian wheel to to irrigate my rice field. The main objective is to help agricultural crop growth and reduce the effect of inadequate rainfall.
  • The fifth step is fertilization. It increases the fertilization of soil by artificial methods using urea or natural method using cow dung as manures. It provides the soil the nutrients.
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