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the origin of throg

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the origin of throg
Storyboard That

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نص القصة المصورة

  • there were one 2 brothers Throg and loki
  • "i deserve to be king not Throg, i do"
  • Throg was going to be king and Loki didnt like that what so ever.
  • Loki sent the destroyer after Throg and Throg threw mjilnor at the Desytroyer
  • Throg took down the desytroyer but Loki escaped
  • Loki was escaping but Throg threw his hammer to stop him
  • suddenly odin fell to the ground in front of loki
  • and loki was placed in a jail for him tomrot away but then he dissapered from his cell and it was an illusion and Throg was furious 
  • odin was placed on a magical bed and he is now resting for him to get better
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