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Total Wellness

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Total Wellness
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نص القصة المصورة

  • WHAT IS TOTAL WELLNESS?By: Angelina Hurtado
  • Some of you may be wondering: what is total wellness and how does it affect you?
  • Well, total wellness is a balance between your mind and body. It affects your physical, mental/emotional, and social well-being. Follow these tips for a better total wellness!
  • MENTAL/EMOTIONAL: This is based on your emotions, thoughts, and actions. This is learning how to manage stress in positive ways. It could be taking a step back or even calling a friend!
  • PHYSICAL: This is how you take of yourself physically which includes getting all the nutrients and calories needed, exercising regularly, and having good hygiene. This will allow you to have a healthy strong body, a lower risk of disease, a longer life, and so much more!
  • SOCIAL: This is based on how you interact with family, friends, peers, and co-workers. Even during this tech era it is still very important to know face-to-face social skills! Collaborate and talk to more people to help build social skills.
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