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Scary Story - ELA

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Scary Story - ELA
Storyboard That

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إنشاء القصة المصورة الخاصة بك

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نص القصة المصورة

  • The last thing I remember is going into a new hospital for a check up. It felt suspicious since I entered-- I should have taken the hint.
  • I felt reality shift. The line between what is real and what is fake faded...
  • Suddenly, I was in a place that I am sure I have never been to nor ever seen. There were, what seemed to be, evil spirits. They came after me.
  • Give me your sooouullll..
  • I felt my heart stop, until I woke up. A wave of emotions fell over me.
  • Your check up is complete. Everything is normal. You may go home.
  • GASP
  • I apologize. That must have been troubling. But after all, it was only a dream.
  • Is there anything wrong, miss?
  • The doctor smiled fondly at me after speaking in his soft tone.
  • Little did I know, that he was no doctor. And it was not only a dream...
  • I had a dream- a nightmare. It was terrifying.. It felt so real...
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