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نص القصة المصورة

  • The Dangers of Food Contaminationby: Jennifer Rackley
  • Hey Betty i'm gonna make some salad for the two of us! It'll be ready in like half an hour!
  • Hmm... should I have washed my hands before this? Oh well It's not like we'll actually get sick from something like that.
  • Here's your salad Betty! I hope you like it, I added some blue cheese like you wanted!
  • Aw man thanks Jessica, I love blue cheese! Let's chow down.
  • God, I think we got food poisoning from that salad earlier!
  • I'm such an idiot, I should've washed my hands...
  • I'm sorry for giving us food poisoning Betty. Next time you or I prepares food we need to make sure that we wash our hands.
  • Well, now we *both* know how important it is to wash your hands before preparing food.
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