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Roman Empire timeline

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Roman Empire timeline
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نص القصة المصورة

  • The Roman Empire shall now commence!
  • 27 BCE: The Roman Empire officially begins. Caesar Augustus is the first Roman emperor.
  • Our time of peace may now begin!
  • 31 BCE: Octavian defeats Mark Antony in the Battle of Actium. This is when Pax Romana starts.
  • Fine...I surrender.
  • During Pax Romana, lots of achievements and innovations were created. These achievements and innovations have paved the way for the rest of history and impacted the regions around it. Pax Romana was one of the most influential periods in history.
  • 306 CE.: Many convert from the Roman religion to Christianity. Constantine also becomes the emperor. This is the start of when Rome started to become a Christian empire.
  • Since everyone seems to be converting to Christianity, I guess I'll make it the main religion.
  • Theodosius I announces that Christianity is the main religion of the Roman Empire.
  • 395 CE: Rome divides into two empires.
  • This empire is getting too big...
  • Okay, then let's split it.
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