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قم بإنشاء Storyboard
انسخ هذه القصة المصورة
Storyboard That

إنشاء القصة المصورة الخاصة بك

جربه مجانا!

إنشاء القصة المصورة الخاصة بك

جربه مجانا!

نص القصة المصورة

  • Introduction
  • How did I get here?
  • Body
  • Todays the big day!
  • Body
  • A little jog wont hurt
  • “How did I get here”, is a saying that one would express when they are in a foreign situation. But what if I tell you that phrase with the context of me and my best friend having a jazz improv session.
  • Body
  • I ran all the way here
  • I started the new day but today was special. This day was the day I come over to my friend's house. I indulged in eating my breakfast until I get the message that he was getting ready. We both settled on three o’clock, yet I did also argueabout going at twelve. We both planned this event for over two days, and wewere both eager for me to come over.
  • Body
  • When it was about time, I got ready to go to hishouse. With trumpet in one hand and phone in the other, I carried my bagoutside. As I started to walk, I feel the eager joy take over me. I said tomyself,” Hey a little jog to his house won’t hurt”.
  • Conclusion
  • We exchange greetings and both had a nice smilepainted on our faces. My friend said, “Yo what’s up!” and I repealed with a,” I ran… all the way here...”. My friend had me drop off my trumpet in the guestroom. The guest room was where we would hold our jam sessions because his drumset was there.
  • Yo whats up
  • I started to improv over his drumbeat. The notes started flying over my head as the feeling of my years of practice did the work for me. There was a cycle that would go, I get some good tunes out then I’d runout of ideas because I only knew one jazz key and, rinse and repeat. Sure saying this makes the story seem bad but for me it was a way to get back to playing. This went on for a good thirty minutes until I gave up on it. Then we both started to play jazz pieces like Autumn Leaves.
  • Then we took a break to get a breather from how tiredwe were. We got some food and talked for a bit. He had a foosball table and weboth played it saying jokes to get the other person to fail. Then his parentsordered pizza so we can eat. I decided to show him a show that was great. Itwas an anime call Attack on Titan, and we would watch it when we we’re aboutdone
  • Just saying this show slaps
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