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My autobiography

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My autobiography
Storyboard That

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نص القصة المصورة

  • It is going to be so much fun
  • Moving will be great for us, trust me
  • Ok I guess
  • Do we really have to move
  • This is the house
  • Nice to see you too
  • Nice to see you made it safely
  • This is the place
  • Omg I so happy to see you
  • You got a new dog
  • Hey
  • This is the school
  • When it was first brought up I didn't know how to feel. I remember my mom trying to convince me this would be great but this is the first time we would be leaving our old town. We would be leaving a lot of thing, friends, coworkers, schools, jobs, it would all be different. But at my age what could I do I couldn't process all of it in enough time before we were all packed up to go.
  • Hey is everything ok you look upset
  • Are you new, I've haven't seen you around
  • My mom had a friend that knew Tracy better then her so when we got there she was there to talk about the area. I didn't pay attention, I was to distracted at the home I couldn't figure out if I was happy or sad, I feel it was a healthy mix. Either way it was something new and I think it scared me how much changed in a span of 3 hours.
  • School was defiantly one of the scarier parts. New school, teachers, students, would i get bullied, I had a lot of questions. This is a realization how much i had also changed when moving I usually wasn't this scared at my old school i would talk to any one but here it was like nothing I've ever felt. I knew I was defiantly scared of one thing change.
  • I'm happy that you moved here
  • Me too, I'm happy I was able to meet so many new people and things.
  • I miss Fremont but I'm happy I moved I've changed and I feel its for the better
  • Yeah I'm fine just a little nervous
  • I felt so scared would I never gain friends, would I be lonely in Tracy forever never having any friends? These kind of feeling were very new for me, I was so overwhelmed I could cry. But then some kids walked up to me seeing how nervous I looked. They were very nice and were very supportive of me and said they also had similar situations. I felt some what better and we started to hang out.
  • When I went home that day I felt a lot better, I told my mom about the situation and she was happy I made friends I didn't ask but I felt she probably wasn't doing that good with the change either, which made me relies I wasn't alone with this kind of feelings that we would be there for each other.
  • I started to get used to Tracy, It isn't scary to me anymore it felt like a place I could call home. I've started Highschool. I gained a lot of new friends I've opened up and changed in a way I had no idea I could. Change defiantly scares me a little but I know I will have people around me to help with problems that I wouldn't be able to face on my own. I miss Fremont sometimes I miss the friends I had there, I didn't own a phone back then so I can't really call them but I'm where I am I wouldn't change it at all.
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