إنشاء القصة المصورة
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They meet
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القصة المصورة
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القصة المصورة
الخاصة بك
نص القصة المصورة
الانزلاق: 1
Clare? Clare?Did you hear me?
Wish I had my superhero outfit on, that's so much cooler . . .
Hang about, I'll just get changed 💡
Erm yeah I did.I mean she did but she had to leave to do that thing with the stuff so she asked me to help . . .
Oh that's great, can you give me a hand with this and show me to your/her shed please?
Yeah sure, give me a minute
الانزلاق: 2
Booooom. I'm much more comfortable like this and I look damn good too 😎
Great, this is the bag we need to "sort" in the . . .
sh-shed? you ok?Yeah sure its this way. Don't worry about the leak from the bag I have plenty of industrial cling film in the shed
erm . . sh-shed 😊
A lady (hopefully unless its too woke to hope?) after my own heart 💙
الانزلاق: 3
Thanks, you'd be surprised how many people aren't fans. Its not always a happy ending when I bring people in here 😏
What a great place, so practical and useful with all the right tools in
People are strange for sure . . . errr what d'you mean?
Oh nothing, I'll explain laterBest get the cling film, that bag is getting worse
Loving that she's cool with this, I assume she knows what's in the bag.This day's turned out really well so far . . .
So our heroes meet, neither knowing the other's real identity. Does Clare know what's in the bag? Does she care? Join us next week to find out . . .
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