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Storyboard That

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إنشاء القصة المصورة الخاصة بك

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نص القصة المصورة

  • Okay girls great first practice today! You all worked hard and wonderful. Now take a break for 15 minutes. 
  • Oh no girls, why are so many of you using plastic water bottles, they are so bad for our environment!
  • Miss, why're they so bad?
  • Well there are many reasons why they are bad, you know what lets have a look at a few reasons.
  • I'm sure all of you love turtles, though these plastic bottles harm our animals greatly, for instance look at this poor turtle hurt by the sharp plastic.
  • Come on lets help this poor turtle.
  • Good question, I'll show you why
  • Though miss, how did the plastic bottle end up here, aren't they recyclable?
  • There are multiple ways plastic ends up in the ocean. Though when this plastic reaches the landfill most plastic fly's away or not the entire bottle is recyclable and that is emptied in the ocean.
  • From that day they all decided to stop using plastic bottles
  • Well girls I hope you understood why we should stop using plastic bottles . See Helen uses a reusable try getting a bottle like that. Always remember that God has given us stwerdship over this land .
  • We saw the turtle in pain because of the plastic, it wouldn't have been right if we just decided to not use plastic bottles, we needed to help the little guy too. We must remember to do our job of protecting our world at its fullest.
  • We are reminded of this when in the Bible in Genesis 1 and 2 it is explained how Jesus made this beautiful world for us and has made us stwerds for it. We must do our part
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