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The Necklace

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The Necklace
Storyboard That

إنشاء القصة المصورة الخاصة بك

جربه مجانا!

إنشاء القصة المصورة الخاصة بك

جربه مجانا!

نص القصة المصورة

  • Scene 1
  • Madame Loisel is upset that she does not have anything to wear that is worthy of the occasion. More noteworthy still is how she reacts to the invitation, showing complete contempt and disregard for the efforts of her husband to secure the invitation for her. So, her husband help her deal with her problems.
  • Scene 2
  • Her husband suggests that she ask to borrow some jewels from her rich friend, Madame Forestier. She agrees and goes to see her friend the next day, greedily choosing one of Madame Forestier's finest necklaces.
  • Choose,my dear.
  • Scene 3
  • Madame Loisel was a popular guest at the ball. Dressed in a beautiful gown and bedecked in the borrowed necklace, she finally feels as if she's in her element; this is illustrated by her behavior. Mme. Loisel is friendly and outgoing, and she catches the attention of everyone in the room.
  • Scene 4
  • Scene 5
  • Scene 6
  • Madame Loisel enjoys herself at the ball, dancing with influential men and reveling in their admiration. Once she and Loisel return home, though, she discovers that she has lost Jeanne's necklace.
  • They we're unsuccessful to find the necklace
  • The Loisels immediately make arrangements to replace the necklace, borrowing 36,000 francs to buy a new one.
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