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Daedalus and Icarus Story

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Daedalus and Icarus Story
Storyboard That

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نص القصة المصورة

  • Quaeso noli me necare!
  • Sum artifex! Ego amo res creare.
  • Amo illum bovem.
  • Daedalus was a genius inventor, craftsman and sculptor in Athens. However, he was egotistical and jealous, so when his nephew became a more skilful carpenter he murdered him.
  • Serva me!
  • As punishment he was banished from Athens and arrived in Crete. Here was became King Minos' technical advisor. Through his inventions he continued to challenge human limitations that kept mortals and gods separated.
  • Fugiamus ex hac turre!
  • Meanwhile the queen Pasiphae was cursed by the god Poseidon to fall in love with the king's prized bull. She asked for help from Daedalus who constructed a hollow wooden cow that attracted the bull.
  • Curro prope solem.
  • She then conceived and gave birth to a half-human half-bull creature called a Minotaur which enraged the king. Immediately he demanded Daedalus to construct an inescapable labyrinth beneath the palace for the Minotaur.
  • When it was finished, King Minos imprisoned Daedalus and his only son Icarus within the top of the tallest tower on the island. However, Daedalus planned to escape by making wings from fallen feathers and candle wax, defying the rules of nature.
  • Then the two men leapt off the building and became the first mortals to fly. But while Daedalus stayed in the middle course, Icarus was too overcome with divine power and ascended higher towards the sun. Then when the heat melted the wax from his wings, Icarus fell to his death.
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