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Indus River Valley

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Indus River Valley
Storyboard That

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نص القصة المصورة

  • Welcome to the Indus Valley Civilization
  • Indus River Valley Civilization
  • The Indus Valley is located on the edge of the Indus River. It existed 5000 years ago.
  • Our houses being used as workshops helps us get more done in a day, as there is no commute
  • Our houses were very sturdy and used lots of materials to bind them to the ground
  • Our Houses are often used as our workshops aswell
  • We try to save lots of water and reuse water. We store all clean water in our wells and will be efficient by using drip pans to shower and using the same water for multiple baths
  • Our sewage systems reuse the sewage as fertilizer to farm and strengthen the soil
  • The great bath is a very important ritual that will purify us for all to come
  • The great bath is an important piece of our religion. We bathe to purify ourselves
  • We often used seals as a mark of ownership over goods
  • The seals that we make are very decorative and are made with fine materials
  • Trade was important, without it some resources would've been unobtainable
  • Trade allowed civilizations to interact peacefully
  • It also allowed places with an abundance of a resource to be more diverse
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