Class Portrait or Mural

هذه Storyboard That النشاط هو جزء من دليل المعلم مشاريع المدرسة الابتدائية

نسخ النشاط*

نظرة عامة على النشاط

Get the whole class involved in creating a class picture or mural that you can print out and hang on the wall or display digitally! Students can have fun finding a character that looks like them and placing them in the picture. Alternatively, they could all add images of their favorite things to the mural. Teachers will have to enable collaboration and ensure that all students are working on the same storyboard.

نسخ النشاط*

قالب ورجال تعليمات

(هذه التعليمات قابلة للتخصيص بالكامل. بعد النقر على "نسخ النشاط" ، حدِّث التعليمات الموجودة في علامة التبويب "تعديل" في المهمة.)

Due Date:

Objective: Create a class portrait!

Student Instructions:

  1. Find a character that looks like you and drag it down into the scene. Click "Edit Pose" to update the colors, pose and expression.
  2. Add a decoration to the classroom.
  3. Add one of your favorite things such as a sport, instrument or book that you love.
  4. Enjoy watching your classmates add their characters too!
  5. Save and exit when you're finished.

نسخ النشاط*

المزيد من Storyboard That

مشاريع المدرسة الابتدائية

نسخ النشاط*