Hawaii Timeline

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نظرة عامة على النشاط

Every state has a rich history that defines how it is known today. Using a timeline layout, students will research the history of Hawaii and create a timeline of events. Students must think about what makes an event truly worthy of being included in the timeline and be able to include detail in their timeline.

For an alternative to the timeline layout, have students create a timeline poster to incorporate into a presentation or gallery walk. You can add more than one template to this assignment to give students lots of options and adjust the instructions accordingly.

Examples of Important Events in Hawaii History

~300-600 AD: Polynesian voyagers first arrive in Hawaii, establishing the indigenous Hawaiian culture and society.

1778: Captain James Cook lands on the island of Kauai, marking the first documented European contact with Hawaii.

1810: Kamehameha I, after years of conflict, unifies the Hawaiian Islands under his rule, establishing the Kingdom of Hawaii.

1887: The Bayonet Constitution is forced upon King Kalakaua by American and European businessmen, diminishing the monarch's power and paving the way for increased foreign influence.

1941: On December 7, the attack on Pearl Harbor by the Japanese leads to the United States' entry into World War II and has a profound impact on Hawaii, resulting in martial law and significant changes in its socio-economic landscape.

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قالب ورجال تعليمات

(هذه التعليمات قابلة للتخصيص بالكامل. بعد النقر على "نسخ النشاط" ، حدِّث التعليمات الموجودة في علامة التبويب "تعديل" في المهمة.)

Due Date:

Objective: Create a 4-6 cell timeline of important events in Hawaii’s history.

Student Instructions

  1. Click “Start Assignment”.
  2. Use the provided blank template or add cells to your own template as needed.
  3. Write the state’s name in the top heading.
  4. In the title box, list out each of the events in sequential order and add correct dates.
  5. Describe the events in the description boxes.
  6. Create an image in each cell that depicts the events, using appropriate scenes, characters, and items.
  7. Save often!

Requirements: At least 4 events, correct dates, descriptions, and appropriate illustrations for each event.

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المزيد من Storyboard That

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