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Bill of Rights Lesson Plans

When the writers of the Constitution met in 1787, they were responsible for the creation of one of the most influential documents in history. The Constitution of the United States has not only been the foundation of American democracy, but it has also served as the blueprint for many nations to follow. With the ratification of the Bill of Rights in 1791, Americans were guaranteed specific rights and liberties that would protect their individualism and freedom and limit the power of government. The first 10 amendments outlined a collection of safeguards to ensure justice and liberty for every American citizen.

Students will be able to use the concepts and principles of the Bill of Rights in storyboards that reflect comprehension, creative thought, and critical analysis. The activities allow a range of students to display their knowledge of what the Bill of Rights is and how it impacts their daily lives.

Student Activities for Bill of Rights

Essential Questions for the Bill of Rights

  1. How does the Bill of Rights limit the power of government?
  2. How does the first amendment foster individualism?
  3. What are the Rights of the Accused?
  4. How would society be different without the Bill of Rights?

Image Attributions
  • Federal Hall • Phil Roeder • License Attribution (
  • Printed, Not Booked • cogdogblog • License Attribution (
  • Taft Inauguration • DC Public Library Commons • License No known copyright restrictions (
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